A new methodology capable of delivering complete 2D NMR spectra within a single scan was recently introduced. The resulting potential gain in time resolution could open new opportunities for in vivo spectroscopy, provided that the technical demands of the methodology are satisfied by the corresponding hardware. Foremost among these demands are the relatively short switching times expected from the applied gradientecho trains. These rapid transitions may be particularly difficult to accomplish on imaging systems. As a step toward solving this problem, we assessed the possibility of replacing the square-wave gradient train currently used during the course of the acquisition by a shaped sinusoidal gradient. Examples of the implementation of this protocol are given, and successful ultrafast acquisitions of 2D NMR spectra with suitable spectral widths on a microimaging probe ( Key words: ultrafast 2D NMR; magnetic resonance spectroscopy; brain metabolites; 2D TOCSY spectra; sinusoidal gradients NMR spectroscopy has become an increasingly common tool in the investigation of both normal function and disease in living systems (1-3). Two-dimensional (2D) NMR, in particular, offers two distinct advantages over its simpler one-dimensional (1D) spectroscopic counterparts: enhanced resolution as resonances are spread over a plane rather than along a single frequency dimension, and spectral assignment opportunities stemming from correlations between pairs of related resonances. In recent years, several studies have utilized 2D NMR in order to investigate, within whole-body magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) settings, in vivo metabolism and function (4 -11). Most of these studies focused on brain investigations at varying degrees of localization (5-10), while others introduced 2D NMR as a promising tool for breast and prostate cancer analysis (11,12). Although 2D NMR methods are potentially useful for in vivo investigations, the routine clinical use of such techniques is hampered by the relatively lengthy nature of the procedure involved. Long acquisition times also deprive 2D NMR from much of the temporal resolution required to efficiently follow dynamic metabolite changes. 2D spectroscopy inherently takes longer to perform than 1D NMR approaches, since it necessitates the monitoring of correlations among pairs of spin evolution frequencies. To implement such correlations, 2D NMR relies on a scan-by-scan incrementation of a time variable t 1 encoding the indirect-domain interactions ⍀ 1 (13). Since each t 1 increment corresponds in essence to an independent 1D NMR experiment, long acquisition times become inherent even for systems that possess abundant signal-tonoise ratios. A number of proposals have recently been made to alleviate this extended acquisition-time problem (14), including an "ultrafast" approach capable of affording complete 2D NMR spectra within a single scan (15-17). Because it offers shorter acquisition times, this new protocol could assist investigators in developing new applications for 2D in vivo MR spectro...