The milk price from a cooperative institution to farmer does not fully cover the production cost. Though, dairy farmers encounter various risks and uncertainties in conducting their business. The highest risk in milk supply lies in the activities at the farm. This study was designed to formulate a model for calculating milk price at farmer's level based on risk. Risks that occur on farms include the risk of cow breeding, sanitation, health care, cattle feed management, milking and milk sales. This research used the location of the farm in West Java region. There were five main stages in the preparation of this model, (1) identification and analysis of influential factors, (2) development of a conceptual model, (3) structural analysis and the amount of production costs, (4) model calculation of production cost with risk factors, and (5) risk based milk pricing model. This research built a relationship between risks on smallholder dairy farms with the production costs to be incurred by the farmers. It was also obtained the formulation of risk adjustment factor calculation for the variable costs of production in dairy cattle farm. The difference in production costs with risk and the total production cost without risk was about 8% to 10%. It could be concluded that the basic price of milk proposed based on the research was around IDR 4,250-IDR 4,350/L for 3 to 4 cows ownership. Increasing farmer income was expected to be obtained by entering the value of this risk in the calculation of production costs.Keywords: production cost, milk price, risk, dairy farmer, income ABSTRAK Harga susu yang diterima peternak dari koperasi saat ini belum sepenuhnya dapat menutupi biaya produksi. Padahal peternak di dalam menjalankan usahanya menghadapi berbagai risiko dan ketidakpastian. Risiko terbesar dalam rantai pasok susu terletak pada kegiatan di peternakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan model perhitungan harga susu di tingkat peternak berbasis risiko. Risiko yang terjadi di peternakan di antaranya risiko pembibitan sapi, sanitasi, pemeliharaan kesehatan sapi, manajemen pakan, pemerahan, dan penjualan susu. Lima tahapan utama dalam penyusunan model ini ialah (1) identifikasi dan analisis faktor yang berpengaruh, (2) membangun model konseptual, (3) analisis struktural dan besaran biaya produksi, (4) model perhitungan biaya produksi dengan faktor risiko, dan (5) model harga susu berbasis risiko. Penelitian ini membangun hubungan antara risiko di peternakan dengan biaya produksi yang harus dikeluarkan oleh peternak, seperti biaya penyusutan kandang dipengaruhi oleh risiko kontruksi kandang yang tidak memenuhi syarat dan biaya lainnya. Selain itu juga diperoleh formulasi perhitungan faktor penyesuaian risiko untuk variabel biaya produksi usaha sapi perah. Perbedaan biaya produksi dengan risiko dan biaya produksi total tanpa risiko sekitar 8% sampai dengan 10%. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa harga dasar susu yang diusulkan berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini pada kepemilikan ternak 3-4 ekor sapi berkisar Rp 4,250-Rp 4,350/...