The purpose of this study is to analyze strategies for controlling potential environmental impacts as a result of developing oil palm plantations.
Research sites in the first year have been carried out in potential areas for the development of oil palm plantations, both through plasma through Badan Usaha Milik Negara (state-owned enterprises) and Badan Usaha Milik Swasta (private-owned companies) and self-help by the community. The research locations were carried out in the Riau mainland areas, including Kampar, Rokan Hulu and Kuantan Singingi regencies. In contrast, the Riau coastal areas were Pelalawan, Siak, Bengkalis, Indragiri Hilir, Indragiri Hulu and Rokan Hilir. The two research areas have different productivity caused by differences in soil fertility. The method used for data collection is the rapid rural appraisal method, which is a participatory approach to obtain data/information and general evaluation in the field in a relatively short time.
Oil palm commodities are the most popular, especially in the Riau region. This is evidenced by the rapid development of oil palm plantations, namely, 1,119,798 ha in 2001 and increased to 2,372,402 ha in 2013. During the 2001–2013 period, the average growth rate was 6.46% per year, whereas other plantation commodities such as rubber and coconut have decreased. #R2.6 An increase follows the expansion of the plantation area in the production of fresh fruit bunches (FFB). Crude palm oil (CPO) production from 1,792,481 tons in 2001 increased to 7,570,854 tons in 2013, with an average annual growth of 12.76%. CPO production capability in Riau is supported by 172 palm oil mill (POM) units with a processing capacity of 7,800 tons per hour. POM is not spread evenly but is concentrated in nucleus and plasma plantations. Independent smallholders with their scattered land located far from the existing POM. This condition causes the low quality of FFB to the mill due to the distance between the plantation and POM.
The virtue of this research is to find an institutional arrangement strategy for oil palm agriculture to spur growth through the development of the downstream palm oil industry. The strategy is intended to create economic added value so that efforts to accelerate community economic development can be increased.