The Physiotherapist uses special equipment for electrotherapy, based on the generation and management of interferential currents, voltage and frequencies (sine waves, sawtooth and square), applying energy from the electromagnetic spectrum to the human organism, generating on the tissues, desired biological responses and therapeutic. In the present article, a viable reengineering proposal was developed for teams dedicated to the application of electrotherapy as a means of physical rehabilitation, based on the analysis, emphasizing the improvements to be implemented, to give timely follow-up to the patient and fundamental support to the physiotherapist. The design was contemplated and integrated a system for physical rehabilitation (2 CH), based on electrotherapy and thermotherapy, with software for control and punctual patient follow-up, creating a folder of clinical history since the patient arrives, plotting the progress or setbacks for the generation of reports, allowing the software to suggest changes or continuation with the treatments always with the corresponding medical authorization. The existing professional teams for this area are very expensive, the most complete incorporate an interface in the instrument, but there is no software that relates the patient to the medical part, they do not provide patient follow-up, much less suggest a specific treatment based on the history.