This study aims to describe the views of Pesantren An-Nisiniyyah Wal-Muzainiyyah about Covid-19 and the implementation of the disciplinary character developed by the Pesantren in dealing with the spread of Covid-19. This research is field research, using a qualitative method. Researchers go directly to digging up data through observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The results showed that during the Covid-19 period, Pesantren An-Nisiniyyah Wal-Muzainiyyah did not return its students like other Pesantrens, because the pesantren was very sure that Covid-19 did not exist, the pesantren leadership did not believe in the existence of Covid-19. But institutionally as good citizens, pesantren respect government policies. This was proven when students, religious teachers, or administrators left the pesantren -for a purpose, they were obliged to follow health protocols such as wearing masks, washing hands, maintaining distance, and so on. In responding to Covid-19, Pesantrens emphasize discipline to students in maintaining cleanliness and carrying out a clean lifestyle. The research recommends that the Government should socialize about the dangers of the Corona Virus by coming directly to the Pesantren An-Nisiniyyah Mal-Muzainiyyah. The government should communicate well with pesantrens and make every effort to ensure that the Corona virus is true, and is a very dangerous virus in the world.