Relevance. In the Ryazan region in recent years the acreage under soybeans has been growing. Given the ever-growing demand for soybeans as a high-protein and oilseed crop, the priority is the development of chemical methods that affect the acceleration of maturation.Methods. A variety of soy Kasatka was taken for research. In the experiment, the effect of desiccant “Diktator, VR” (AD — 150 g/l of diquat in the form of dibromide) was studied. Experimentaloptions: 1) “Diktator, VR” 1.5 l/ha; 2) “Diktator, VR” 2.0 l/ha; 3) control (without desiccant). The studies were carried out by field and laboratory methods using appropriate techniques.Results. The results of the experiment showed that all the studied doses of desiccant after 2–3 days dry the leaves of the culture well. Analysis of the dynamics of the decrease in the moisture content of soybean grain showed that both dosages of “Diktator, VR” were effective (at a dosage of 1.5 l/ha, the moisture content of soybean seeds decreased by 4.6–6.3%; 2.0 l/ha — by 2.9–4.6%). The decrease in the number of weeds was 80.3–84.8% (2020) and 78.0–84.1% (2021), the reduction in the mass of weeds was 81.1–81.8% (2020) and 80.0–81.5% (2021). Germination energy in all variants of the experiment had high indicators — 90.0–95.0%, viability — 92.0–97.0%. The desiccant did not have a negative effect on the yield of soybean seeds. On average, the yield of soybeans using this desiccant at a rate of 1.5 l/ha was 2.05 t/ha, at a rate of 2.0 l/ha — 2.02 t/ha, control — 2.10 t/ha. Desiccation did not have a negative effect on the quantitative chemical composition of soybean seeds, which was approximately the same as the control. So, on average, the protein content in the soybean seeds of the Kasatka variety was at a high level — 41.5–41.7%, the oil content also was at optimal amount — 17.6–17.8%. The most effective dosage of desiccant “Diktator, VR” on soybean crops is the norm of 1.5 l/ha.