The pos si bil ity of re tain ing Cs + and Co 2+ bound by im mo bi li za tion pro cesses in the ce ment ma trix is de fined as the sub ject of its in ves ti ga tion: the ce ment ma trix for mu la tion, the water/ce ment ra tio, the amount of waste, and the po ros ity of such a struc ture. Im ple ment ing the stan dard leach ing method by Hespe the pos si bil ity of com par ing dif fer ent au thors' re sults was achieved. Dif fu sion and semi-em pir i cal model were used to in ves ti gate the trans port phenom e non in or der to pre dict the leach ing level for a long pe riod of time. Leach ing of Co 2+ and Cs + ions un der dy namic con di tions im mo bi lized in the ce ment ma trix dy namic con di tions decreases with the in crease of the sludge con tent, re gard ing po ros ity in crease. The ef fects of the dif fu sion and sur face wash ing are equal ized, and the con tri bu tion of the ma trix dis so lu tion to the Cs + and Co 2+ trans port in the ce ment po rous me dia in creases, on av er age, for one or der of mag ni tude. The semi-em pir i cal model gives a better ap prox i ma tion for Co 2+ and Cs + leaching pro cess for the du ra tion of the ex per i ment while both mod els sig nif i cantly ap prox i mate leach ing re sults in dy namic con di tions.