PATIENTS WITH HYPERTHYROIDISM may develop symptoms and signs of severe toxicity during, or in association with, anaesthesia and surgery. These symptoms may vary from mild tremors and severe tachycardia to full-blown thyroid storm. 1 Mo'st frequently, the disease causes an abnormal cardiac rate or rhythm. 2 ' 3 ' 4 Murray and his associates demonstrated that an epinephrine challenge is well tolerated by a euthyroid patient, but it causes marked discomfort to the hyperthyroid individual. 5 High spinal anaesthesia has been used by some to deafferent the adrenals, while others have used n hypothermia and neuroplegks in preparing their patients for thyroidectomy, in order to reduce the amount of catecholamines in the circulation. 6i7>8 This study was undertaken to determine whether or not the hyperthyroid state alters the response to a standard epinephrin,e challenge during anaesthesia in dogs. METHOD