A field experiment was conducted at Tamil Nadu Rice Research Institute, Aduthurai, Tamil Nadu during Summer, 2013 and 2014 to study the response of blackgram varieties to different levels of irrigation through applied sprinkler system. Four levels of irrigation I 1 -50 per cent pan evaporation through sprinkler irrigation, I 2 -75 per cent pan evaporation through sprinkler irrigation, I 3 -100 per cent pan evaporation through sprinkler irrigation and I 4 -Surface irrigation in main plot and three blackgram varieties viz., ADT 5, PBG 4 and VBN BG 6 were evaluated in split plot design with three replications. Sprinkler irrigation at 100% pan evaporation in variety ADT 5 gave significantly better growth and yield attributes and higher grain yield of 1217 kg/ha which was at par with surface irrigation method in ADT 5 variety (1184 kg/ ha). Surface irrigation method utilized higher amount of irrigation water of 428.1 mm and 413.6 mm, whereas, sprinkler irrigation at 100% pan evaporation utilized minimum amount of irrigation water of 329.2 mm and 308.7 mm during summer 2013 and 2014, respectively. Water saving under sprinkler irrigation at 100% pan evaporation was 23.1% and 25.4% as compared to surface irrigation method during summer 2013 and 2014, respectively.