TUNEL negativas, sugerindo a presença de células epiteliais viáveis e pouco diferenciadas. Concluiu-se que a gengiva foi incorporada à MCA, com redução paulatina da reação inflamatória e revascularização, bem como manteve-se viável nesse ambiente em um período de 5 dias; contudo, sofreu processos de adaptação que incluíram a perda da estratificação epitelial e a redução da celularidade na lâmina própria.Palavras-chave: Gengiva. Ovo. Galinha. Membrana corioalantóica.
ABSTRACTHuang I. Histomorphological and imunohistochemistry analysis of gingival fragments inserted in chorioallantoic membrane of chicken eggs [dissertation]. São Paulo: Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Odontologia; 2018. Versão Corrigida. Chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) is one of the chicken embryo extra embryonic membrane, whose main characteristic is being very vascularized and permeable for ionic and gaseous exchanges. The environment where it is inserted allows the development of many experimental model, including studies about angiogenesis, toxicology and biocompatibility, as well as analysis of the repair process and carcinogenesis of many tissues. The objective of this study was to verify the histomorphological changes of gingival fragments grafted on CAM, with the intent to check the viability of this model in studies involving oral mucosa. Fragments of gingiva were collected from patients undergoing dental extraction and grafted on CAM of fertilized chicken egg after 9 days of embryonic development. The collect of gingiva were made after 1, 3 and 5 days of insertion on CAM. The morphological alterations were analyzed over the time in the epithelium and lamina propria of gingiva and CAM. TUNEL analysis were made to evaluate the presence or not of apoptosis in the gingival tissue. Imunohistochemistry and quantification of the expression of keratin 10 (K10) and 14 (K14) were also made to check any alteration of epithelial differentiation, and CD34, for measurement of vascularization. Total of 25 fertilized egg were used, 10 eggs received gingiva for experiments; remaining egg didn't show embrionary viability and were discarded. After 1 day of inoculation, the CAM-gingiva interface exhibited a intense inflammatory infiltrate, which invaded the lamina propria. After 5 days, this inflammatory reaction were restricted to the CAM-gingiva interface. The main morphological changes in the gingiva were observed between 3 to 5 days of inoculation, in which there was loss of epithelial architecture, only the basal layer were viable, and a reduction of cellularity in lamina propria. Were observed a increase of vascularization in period of 5 days, attested by the quantification of positive CD34vessel. The remaining epithelia showed the absence of stratification and expression of K10, intense marking of K14 and TUNEL cell negative, suggesting the presence of viable epithelial cells and less differentiated. It was concluded that the gingiva was incorporated by CAM, with gradual reduction of inflammatory reaction and revascularization, as well remained ...