Two field experiments were carried out during the two successive summer seasons of 2014 and 2015 in a private sector farm at Kafr Elsohbi Village, Shibin Alqanter, Qalubia Governorate, Egypt to improve the growth, productivity and quality of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cv. Nebrasica using some growth regulators i.e., naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) at 40 ppm, gibberellic acid (GA 3) at 100 ppm, benzyladenine (BA) at 40 ppm supplemented with boron spray at 100 ppm grown at different sowing dates (mid February, mid March and mid April). In general the tallest plants were scored by the combinations of mid March planting date, with those received NAA+B. In addition, the highest number of branches and leaves as well as the heaviest fresh and dry weights of plant were registered by the combination of mid March sowing date, with those received BA+B treatment in the two seasons. Moreover, the highest dry seed yield/plant, seed yield/fed and weight of 100 seeds were scored by the combination of BA+B-sprayed plants with sowning on mid March in the two seasons. Furthermore, leaf and seed chemical composition i.e., total nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and total carbohydrates as well as total protein were greatly responded for the studied sowing dates. However, mid March sowing date gave rise to the highest values of N, P, total carbohydrates and total protein contents, followed by mid February sowing date, especially those sprayed with BA+B treatment in the two seasons.Conclusively, in order to produce higher dry seed yield with good quality of common bean, it is preferable to sow the seeds on mid March and spray the plants with benzyladenine at 40 ppm enriched with boron at 100 ppm three time during the growing season. Additionally, the plants that sown on mid February and April could give the previously mentioned prospective traits when sprayed with benzyladenine and boron treatments.