The word Psoriasis is derived from the Greek word 'Psora' for 'Itch'. The prevalence is approximately 1-3% in population. It usually appears first between ages of 15 to 30 years. The clinical course of Psoriasis is very variable. It is a very common, non specific skin disorder with distinct clinical feature and can be compared with 'Mandal Kushtha'. Mandal Kushtha is Kapha type of disorder, having signs like unctous, white, stable patches over skin. In a present study a clinical trial was conducted on 30 patients in order to prove efficacy of drug 'Panchatikta ghrita guggul' in Mandal Kushtha. Type of Study was plain randomized. 'Panchatikta ghrita guggul' was given in the dose of 1gm BD, with anupan of hot water, after meal for 90 days. After completion of treatment we found that, the total % of relief was 58% in subjective parameters.