“…Several anabolic steroids have been shown to induce changes in adrenocortical function, at least as shown by alterations in steroid excretion during their administra¬ tion. Thus, testosterone (Albright, Parson & Bloomberg, 1941), methyltestosterone (Reifenstein, Forbes, Albright, Donaldson & Carroll, 1945), 17a-methyl-19-nortesto¬ sterone (Huis in't Veld, Louwerens & Van der Spek, 1960;Feldman & Carter, 1960Vermeulen & Ferin, 1962, and 17oc-ethyl-19-nortestosterone (Brooks & Prunty, 1957Brendler & Winkler, 1959Castren, Kalhomaki, Pekkarinen, Soiva & Viikari, 1960 Muller, Vallotton & Manning, 1960) all lower urinary steroid excretion.…”