The results of subsonic jet validation cases for the Naval Research Lab's Jet Engine Noise REduction (JENRE) code are reported. Two set points from the Tanna matrix, set point 3 (Ma = 0.5, unheated) and set point 7 (Ma = 0.9, unheated) are attempted on three different meshes. After a brief discussion of the JENRE code and the meshes constructed for this work, the turbulent statistics for the axial velocity are presented and compared to experimental data, with favorable results. Preliminary simulations for set point 23 (Ma = 0.5, Tj/T∞ = 1.764) on one of the meshes are also described. Finally, the proposed configuration for the farfield noise prediction with JENRE's Ffowcs-Williams Hawking solver are detailed.
Nomenclature x, y, zCartesian coordinates, with origin at the nozzle exit and centerline, x indicating the axial coordinate, increasing downstream r Radial coordinate, r 2 = y 2 + z 2 ∆ Approximate mesh spacing L Length of the mesh region meant to resolve the turbulent nearfield D j Exit diameter of the nozzle U j Fully-expanded jet exit velocity U , U Mean and root-mean square of axial velocity, respectively T j Fully-expanded jet exit temperature T , T Mean and root-mean square of temperature, respectively T 0 , T Startup and statistics-gathering simulation times, respectively θ Polar angle, with θ = 0 pointing upstream (i.e. the negative-x direction) y τ Estimate of viscous length scale in the nozzle boundary layer