The shortage of fish feed of domestic production is one of the limiting factors for increasing the volume of fish production. The article analyzes the effectiveness of the use of granulated-extruded feed “BIFFINE” (Russia) in comparison with the extruded feed of the wellknown foreign brand “COPPENS” (the Netherlands) in the cultivation of African clary catfish and a hybrid of tilapia in a closed water supply system. The analysis of fish-breeding and biological indicators, as well as the assessment of the physiological state of the raised fish, was carried out. Comparative analysis of hematological and biochemical parameters of blood serum did not reveal significant differences. The evaluation of the feeding efficiency revealed slightly higher indicators of tilapia growth (p<0.05) and some physiological and biochemical parameters of the blood of the fish group that consumed Russian feed. The results of the study of white blood cells in the blood of the tilapia hybrid showed that the composition of white blood cells is dominated by lymphocytes (80.0–90.0%), monocytes (3.5–5.0%), neutrophils (6.5–11.0%) and basophils (0.5– 1.3%); a significant increase in glucose levels was found, which indicates the activation of the process of digestion of the carbohydrate part of the diet. In juvenile clary catfish, the stimulation of protein and glucose biosynthesis was noted, which indicates the optimization of protein and carbohydrate metabolism. Thus, when feeding fish with feed from different manufacturers, no differences were found in the functional state of the cultivated fish species. The tested brands of mixed feeds have a high nutritional value, which was confirmed by the obtained data of fishbreeding and biological indicators. However, it should be borne in mind that the technology of making mixed feed “BIFFINE” has the following advantage-soft processing of feed components of animal origin with the preservation of the native properties of protein, amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins and other essential nutrients, and the destruction of starch during hard processing by temperature and pressure to easily digestible carbohydrates, is performed separately.