SUMMARY1. We have used non-invasive mercury in a silastic strain gauge system to assess the effect of pressure step size, on the time course of the rapid volume response (RVR) to occlusion pressure. We also obtained values for hydraulic conductance (Kf), isovolumnetric venous pressure (Pvi) and venous pressure (Pv) in thirty-five studies on the legs of twenty-three supine control subjects.2. The initial rapid volume response to small (953 + 045 mmHg, mean +S.E.M.) stepped increases in venous pressure, the rapid volume response, could be described by a single exponential of time constant 15-54 + 114 s.3. Increasing the size of the pressure step, to 49 8+ 1+ mmHg, gave a larger value for the RVR time constant (mean 77-3 + 11P6 s).4. We propose that the pressure-dependent difference in the duration of the rapid volume response, in these two situations, might be due to a vascular smooth musclebased mechanism, e.g. the veni-arteriolar reflex.5. The mean (+ S.E.M.) values for Kf, Pvi and Pv were 427+018 (units, ml min-(100 g)-1 mmHg-1 x 10-3), 21 50+0 81 (units, mmHg) and 9-11 +0-94 (units, mmHg), respectively.6. During simultaneous assessment of these parameters in arms and legs, it was found that they did not differ significantly from one another.7. We propose that the mercury strain gauge system offers a useful, non-invasive means of studying the mechanisms governing fluid filtration in human limbs.