In this study, the anti-allergy potency of thirteen tannins isolated from the galls on buds of Carpinus tschonoskii (including two tannin derivatives) was investigated. RBL-2H3 (rat basophilic leukemia) cells were incubated with these compounds, and the release of b-hexosaminidase and cytotoxicity were measured. Of the thirteen tannins, tetragalloylglucose (2), pentagalloylglucose (3), casuarictin (4), and casuarinin (9) were the most potent inhibitors, and all the tannins showed no cytotoxic effect after 24 h of incubation. The results obtained suggest that tannins from C. tschonoskii are capable of inhibiting allergic reactions and may be useful for the treatment or prevention of type I allergic diseases.