The study was carried out during the period of 2019-2021 in the experimental field of the IASS "Obraztsov chiflik" -Ruse in a longterm stationary fertilizer trial with a 4-pole crop rotation, including interchange of corn, barley, beans and wheat, according to the scheme of Georges Ville in three replications located according Rümker. Fertilization options are the individual and combined application of the three macroelements -nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and the non-fertilized control is used for comparison.The yields of the wintering malting barley variety "Ahat" grown in the conditions of permanent fertilizer experiment are affected by the weather conditions, and during the research period 2020 appears to be the most favorable for the development of the crop, due to the sufficient amount of evenly distributed precipitation and its combination with optimal average monthly temperatures during the growing season. In all years of testing, the variants with individual and combined application of nitrogen showed proven higher yields compared to the control. The long-term accumulation of phosphorus and potassium in the variants with their individual and combined applications has a depressing effect on the plants, and hence a negative impact on the yield. The quantitative and qualitative indicators of the grain are changed under the influence of fertilization, analogously to yields. The parameters mass per 1000 grains, germination and crude protein content were higher in the variants with nitrogen fertilization and decreased or close to the control in the other variants. Differences in hectoliter weight and grain uniformity are not statistically proven.