ABSTRAK:Pendahuluan: Klien pascastroke akan mengalami gangguan postural tubuh yang dapat mempengaruhi keseimbangan, kemampuan berjalan dan fungsi ekstremitas atas. Truncal control exercise memperbaiki dan memelihara postural tubuh yang baik. Rehabilitasi pascastroke masih berfokus pada latihan tungkai atas dan bawah hemiplegia dibandingkan perbaikan postural tubuh. Metode: Jenis penelitian menggunakan Quasy eksperimental dengan desain control group pretest -postest. Besar sampel didapatkan dengan tehnik consequetive sampling terdiri dari 20 responden (n-perlakuan = 10 dan n-kontrol = 10). Variabel independen adalah truncal control exercise. Variabel dependen adalah fungsi ekstremitas atas, keseimbangan, dan berjalan. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan lembar observasi dan ceklist. Analisa data menggunakan independent t-test dan paired t-test dengan α = 0,05. Hasil: Hasil uji statistik kelompok perlakuan dan kontrol didapatkan p-value kemampuan fungsional ekstremitas atas = 0,270 dan p-value performance fungsi ekstremitas atas = 0,289. Hasil uji statistik kelompok perlakuan dan kontrol didapatkan p-value keseimbangan = 0,017. Hasil uji statistik kelompok perlakuan dan kontrol didapatkan p-value berjalan = 0,026. Diskusi: Intervensi keperawatan truncal control exercise kurang efektif terhadap perubahan fungsi ekstremitas atas, tetapi efektif terhadap keseimbangan dan berjalan klien pascastroke. Intervensi keperawatan truncal control exercise dapat dilanjutkan sebagai bentuk tindakan kolaboratif bagi perawat medikal bedah dengan fisioterapi untuk mengoptimalkan program rehabilitasi klien pascastroke dengan masalah keseimbangan dan berjalan di klinik maupun rumah klien. The number of samples obtained with consecutive sampling techniques that appropriate criteria research consists of 20 respondents (n = 10 treatment-and n-control = 10). The independent variable is the truncal control exercise. The dependent variable is the function of the upper limb, balance, and gait. Data were collected by using observation and checklist sheets. Data were analyzed using independent t-test and paired t-test with α = 0,05. Results: The results of statistical tests performed in the treatment group and the control was obtained p-value of the functional capabilities of the upper limb = 0.270 and p-value of performance of upper limb function = 0.289. The results of statistical tests performed in the treatment group and the control was obtained p-value of balance = 0.017. The results of statistical tests performed in the treatment group and the control was obtained p-value of gait = 0.026. Discussion: Nursing interventions truncal control exercise have less effective results to changes in upper limb function, but it is effective to balance and walk clients pascastroke. Nursing interventions truncal control exercise can be continued as a form of collaborative action for medical-surgical nurse with physiotherapy to optimize rehabilitation programs of posstroke clients with balance and gait problems in clinic or home's client.