Creep-fatigue assessment procedures for the design of high temperature components such as rotating turbo-machinery parts should ensure lifetime predictions which are safe but not excessively conservative. Adoption of inherently safe, but more accurate and less conservative high temperature assessment procedures than are presently available enable the availability of power plant with greater operating flexibility. Operating flexibility is becoming a key market driver due to increased interest in the use of intermittent renewable energy sources (e.g. wind, solar, etc.) which place focus on a requirement for turbo-machinery to be capable of reduced start-up and shutdown times in order to compensate for undersupplies provided by these new technologies. This study introduces a creep-fatigue assessment procedure for the design of high temperature components required for flexible operation. In particular, it considers alloys with high creep-fatigue deformation/damage interaction characteristics such as the advanced martensitic 9-11%Cr steels which are widely used for power plant applications. The procedure takes advantages of advanced constitutive models for both cyclic plasticity and creep and implements them in a state-of-the-art mechanical assessment procedure for calculating high temperature component life times. In the absence of appropriate service experience, the effectiveness of the adopted creep-fatigue assessment procedure for lifetime prediction is being evaluated using the results from a set of component feature specimen service-cycle thermomechanical fatigue benchmark tests.