ABSTRA ABSTRA ABSTRA ABSTRA ABSTRACT CT CT CT CT: : : : : This study ev This study ev This study ev This study ev This study evaluated the influence of dr aluated the influence of dr aluated the influence of dr aluated the influence of dr aluated the influence of drying tr ying tr ying tr ying tr ying treatments and aer eatments and aer eatments and aer eatments and aer eatments and aerobic stor obic stor obic stor obic stor obic storage (25 °C, 30 d) on inactiv age (25 °C, 30 d) on inactiv age (25 °C, 30 d) on inactiv age (25 °C, 30 d) on inactiv age (25 °C, 30 d) on inactivaa-a-aation of a fiv tion of a fiv tion of a fiv tion of a fiv tion of a five-str e-str e-str e-str e-strain mixtur ain mixtur ain mixtur ain mixtur ain mixture of e of e of e of e of Salmonella Salmonella Salmonella Salmonella Salmonella (7.8 log colony (7.8 log colony (7.8 log colony (7.8 log colony (7.8 log colony-for -for -for -for -forming units [CFU]/g) on carr ming units [CFU]/g) on carr ming units [CFU]/g) on carr ming units [CFU]/g) on carr ming units [CFU]/g) on carrot slices ot slices ot slices ot slices ot slices. . . . . T T T T Tr r r r reatments eatments eatments eatments eatments included (1) control, (2) steam blanching (88 °C, 3 min), (3) water blanching (88 °C, 3 min), (4) immersion in included (1) control, (2) steam blanching (88 °C, 3 min), (3) water blanching (88 °C, 3 min), (4) immersion in included (1) control, (2) steam blanching (88 °C, 3 min), (3) water blanching (88 °C, 3 min), (4) immersion in included (1) control, (2) steam blanching (88 °C, 3 min), (3) water blanching (88 °C, 3 min), (4) immersion in included (1) control, (2) steam blanching (88 °C, 3 min), (3) water blanching (88 °C, 3 min), (4) immersion in 3.23% N 3.23% N 3.23% N 3.23% N 3.23% NaCl (25 ± 3 °C, 5 min), and (5) o aCl (25 ± 3 °C, 5 min), and (5) o aCl (25 ± 3 °C, 5 min), and (5) o aCl (25 ± 3 °C, 5 min), and (5) o aCl (25 ± 3 °C, 5 min), and (5) ov v v v ven heating (80 °C, 15 min) after dr en heating (80 °C, 15 min) after dr en heating (80 °C, 15 min) after dr en heating (80 °C, 15 min) after dr en heating (80 °C, 15 min) after drying. ying. ying. ying. ying. T T T T Tr r r r reatments w eatments w eatments w eatments w eatments wer er er er ere selected fr e selected fr e selected fr e selected fr e selected from om om om om recommendations made by Cooperative Extension Services for ability to maintain characteristics of dried veg-recommendations made by Cooperative Extension Services for ability to maintain characteristics of dried veg-recommendations made by Cooperative Extension Services for ability to maintain characteristics of dried veg-recommendations made by Cooperative Extension Services for ability to maintain characteristics of dried vegrecommendations made by Cooperative Extension Services for ability to maintain characteristics of dried vegetables and possible antimicrobial effects. Carrot slices were inoculated with the etables and possible antimicrobial effects. Carrot slices were inoculated with the etables and possible antimic...