Far-infrared absorption due to Lyman transitions of the Be acceptor in GaAs has been measured in bulk molecular-beam-epitaxy-grown samples at various temperatures and under different illumination conditions. Sharp lines of energy ͑at 1.9 K͒ of 134.42Ϯ0.06, 166.76Ϯ0.05, and 182.30Ϯ0.05 cm Ϫ1 are observed, being the G, D, and C lines, respectively. Fiorentini's recent calculation ͓Phys. Rev. B 51, 10 161 ͑1995͔͒ of the acceptor energy spectrum in GaAs is in good agreement with these results. At 1.9 K the G, D, and C linewidths are 1.06Ϯ0.14, 1.16Ϯ0.04, and 1.86Ϯ0.05 cm Ϫ1 , respectively, and the integrated intensities are in the ratio 11.5Ϯ5.6:100:57.6Ϯ9.8. External illumination during cooling or measurement had no effect on the observed spectra.