Elephant populations in the Djona hunting zone and its bordering villages were studied in Benin. This article discusses the preliminary results in a series of studies in this hunting zone. After twelve months of ecological and demographic study, we observed and identified three types of social structure in the elephant populations : solitary, pairs and groups (varying between three and eleven members). 94 elephants were censused. Elephant density varied by season. In the rainy season more area was occupied by the elephants and the density was 0,03 individuals/km-whereas during the dry season large groups were formed and savannas in the Djona hunting zone were only exploited giving a density of 0,07 individuals/km 2 . The movement of elephants in this study zone is influenced to a large extent by water and food availability. Farms were visited by elephants to find shea butter fruits (Vitellaria paradoxa) and Parkia biglobosa. These two tree species are always saved by farmers when they clear the land. Elephants can be classified into four age groups, namely young elephants, immature elephants, subadults and adults. Data showed that adults represented 34 % of the population, followed by subadults (32 %), immature (20 %) and young (14 %). The dietary analysis based on the fruits eaten was analysed through the dungs. Many tree species were eaten but in varying quantities. This dietary analysis revealed that some fruit species were most eaten by elephants. The percentage of time spent by elephants varied by season: in the dry season they spent 25 % of the day eating, 13 % resting, 29 % playing and 33 % drinking and bathing; during the rainy season they spent 33 % of the day eating, 21 % resting, 8 % playing and 38 % drinking and bathing. Cohabitation between local people and wildlife has not provoked any great problems and this justifies the participation of local people in the development of ecotourism at the elephant site in the Djona Hunting Zone.Resume. -Cette etude a ete conduite dans la zone cynegetique de Djona, au Benin, et dans les terroirs villageois limitrophes exploites par les elephants. Cet article presente les premiers resultats d'unc serie d'etudes sur les elephants de cette zone protegee. Apres douze mois de suivi ecologique, nous avons observe et identifie plusieurs groupes. Nous avons observe trois types de structure socialc: les individus solitaires, les paires ou couples et les groupes (variant de trois ä onze individus). 94 elephants ont ete denombres dans la Zone Cynegetique de Djona, tous sexes et categories d'äges confondus, avec une densite estimee ä 0,03 individu/km 2 en saison humide lorsque les groupes s'eclatent sur une zone plus etendue et 0,07 individu/km 2 en saison seche ou les elephants exploitent exclusivement les savanes de la Zone Cynegetique. Les deplacements Mammalia, l 64, n° 1, 2000: 29-40. Brought to you by | Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan Authenticated Download Date | 7/2/15 3:12 PM 30 MAMMALIA des elephants sont largement conditionnes par Feau et la nourriture. Du point de ...