This research has purpose to develop a medium of learning Indonesian language skills "Prezi Presentation Software" based. Learning Indonesian language skills is categorized as difficult learning Learning media at this time is influenced by the advancement of technological developments. Therefore, the development of learning media more emphasizes on computer-based media. One of them is the use of presentation software prezi, in purpose to develop the medium of learning Indonesian language skills in universities, especially in Primary School Teacher Education Departments. This prezi presentation software is a software whichis used to make internet-based presentations. The material which is developed using this software includes four aspects of skills, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Each skill material aspect is developed in each individual prezi file. Media presentation Indonesian language skills which are prezibased developed using themes or interesting templates including various elements such as text, images, video, backsound, music and animation. In addition, the color selection is also considered to make learning media more interesting. Learning media "Prezi Presentation Software" based is expected can improve the quality of the learning process and motivate students to learn, so that learning outcomes can be improved and learning objectives can be achieved optimally.