2, 4.benzohydroquinone has been shown to inhibit the Ca'-÷,Mg:+-ATPase o1" sareoplasmic reticulum with an affinity of 0.4/tM.It has been shown to shift the E2-E1 equilibrium for the ATPase towards E2, as shown previously for the inhibitor thapsig, argin. The shift towards E2 results in a decrease in affinity for Ca ++, as also observed for thapsigargin. A marked decrease in the rate of the E2-E! transition is observed for both BHQ and thapsigargin. A decrease in the equilibrium level of phosphorylation by P~ and of the steady-state level of phosphorylatioa by ATP are consistent with a decrease in the equilibrium constant for phosphorylation by P~ and an increase in the rate of dephosphorylation.