A 67 year-old male with a past medical history of hypertension and insulin-dependent type II diabetes complicated by neuropathy, retinopathy, and chronic kidney disease presented to the hospital with a complaint of fatigue. The patient noted generalized weakness that had begun the morning of admission after two days of malaise and subjective fever. This weakness prevented him from being able to rise from a sitting position, resulting in a fall off the couch. He denied injury from this fall along with shortness of breath or chest pain, however, he did admit to two episodes of vomiting the day prior to admission.The patient was taking the following medications: furosemide, aspirin, isosorbide mononitrate, lipitor, levothyroxine, candesartan, metoprolol, clopidogrel, doxazosin, calcitriol and Insulin 70/30. Medical history included, hyperlipidemia, hypothyroidism, benign prostatic hypertrophy, stable angina, and peripheral vascular disease along with the conditions listed above. Past surgical history included 2 stents in the LAD coronary artery, vitrectomy, and transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). Additionally, the patient noted that he lived alone after having retired from teaching and denied any drugs, smoking or alcohol.On physical exam, the patient was febrile at 102.2°F, heart rate was 99, respiratory rate was 17, and blood pressure was elevated at 183/56 mmHg. Generally, the patient was dehydrated and appeared to be somnolent but responsive to questions. Neurological exam was remarkable for generalized bilateral upper and lower extremity weakness and asterixis with no focal neurological deficits. His cranial nerves were intact. Skin exam was significant for a warm, erythematous, blanching, non-pruritic rash on the left anterior tibial surface, as well as an eschar on the 2nd toe of the left foot. The rest of physical exam was within normal limits.An arterial blood gas was performed due to his overall lethargic state and demonstrated a pH of 7.34, PCO2 34, PO2 66 and oxygen saturation of 91% on room air. His electrolytes were Na 134, K 5.3, Cl 106, HCO3 19, significant for a non-anion gap metabolic acidosis with a compensatory respiratory alkalosis. Glucose was elevated at 412mg/dl. Additional laboratory values revealed a BUN of 79 and creatinine of 3.1 (previous baseline of 2.3). Urine studies showed protein >300 mg/dl, urine pH of 5.5, urine glucose 500, and rare hyaline casts. Urine electrolytes results included Na 49, K 30.2, Cl 54, and Cr of 98.7. Lactate was within normal limits.The patient was treated acutely for dehydration and hyperglycemia with intravenous fluids and insulin. He was started on broad spectrum antibiotics for suspected cellulitis and osteomyelitis of the 2nd left toe. The combined results of the urine anion gap of + 25.2, the serum anion gap of 9, and hyperkalemia led us to a preliminary diagnosis of renal tubular acidosis type IV. Finally, the renin level returned low at 1.4 ng/ mL/hr (normal 1.9-3.7) indicating a low renin -low aldosterone as an underlying cause of the met...