Although Dae-Bang-Poong-Tang(an herbal formula of 15 herbs)-treated rats exhibited a mild inflammation, the significant histological changes including a marked infiltration of inflammatory cells in the synovium and damaged articular cartilages were not observed. The staining abilities of the cartilage such as periodic acid Schiff s reaction in the interterritorial matrix of hyaline cartilage, alcian blue and aldehyde fuchsin staining in the capsule of chondrocytes and in the interterritorial matrix of articular cartilage and Con A, sWGA and BSL-1 affinities of chondrocytes tended to decrease in the rats with collagen-induced arthritis compared with normal rats. Decreased stainabilities and affinities were almost recovered in the Dae-Bang-Poong-Tang-treated rats. In the collagen-induced rats, iNOS expression in the synovial lining cells and subsynovial tissue were significantly increased and numerous strong immunoreactive cells were demonstrated in the subsynovial tissue. Somewhat decreased immunoreaction of iNOS was shown in the synovial lining cells and subsynovial tissue of Dae-Bang-Poong-Tang-treated rats. It was concluded that Dae-Bang-Poong-Tang showed a notable protection against histological changes and histochemical staining, and it acted as an inhibitor of iNOS expression. Dae-Bang-Poong-Tang may be used as a complementary therapeutic agent to alleviate the rheumatoid arthritis.Xvheumatoid arthritis, a chronic systemic disease of unknown etiology, develops an inflammatory synovitis with neovascularization and pannus formation and ultimately leads to erosive joint destruction and deformities (Stuart et al., 1982;Beckmann et al., 1998). The collagen-induced arthritis is an immunologically complex model involving both cellular and humoral mechanism and has been used for many years for evaluation of antirheumatoid arthritis agents (Oliver et al., 1995;Horsfall et al., 1997). 355 Am. J. Chin. Med. 2001.29:355-365. Downloaded from by UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN on 03/04/15. For personal use only.