This article presents the results of research work on the development of a new variety of spring triticale, suitable for baking. The work was carried out in the Chuvash Republic. The soils of the experimental site are dark – gray forest, heavy-loamy, unwashed. The climatic conditions are favorable for growing spring triticale. The pilot site is located in the Central agroclimatic zone. Breeding work was started in 2011. The breeding method is hybridization. The varieties of spring triticale as Rovnya and Saur are involved in the crossing. An elite plant was selected in 2013. In the next two years, small station tests were conducted, then two years-competitive station tests; in 2018-2020 – environmental variety testing. The standard - Rovnya variety. The new Narspi variety has a high yield – an average of 65 centners per hectare over the past three years, which is to 18 centners per hectare more than the standard. The grain size of Narspi variety was 731.7 grams per litre, while the value of this indicator in the Rovnya variety was 712.7 grams per litre. The weight of 1000 grains in the new variety is also higher than the standard and on average for three years reached 47.5 grams. The new variety is suitable for baking. The volume yield of bread when baking bread from flour obtained from Narspi grain was 273 cm3/100 grams of flour, which is higher than the standard for 30 cm3/100 grams of flour. The content of raw gluten in the new grain reaches a value of 28%, which is 7% higher than the standard. According to the results of the tests, an application for registration of a new variety of Narspi in the register of breeding achievements was submitted in 2020