Aims: To objective the symptoms and estimate the necessity of technical or social aid as well as to receive parameters for treatment, this evaluation was carried out. The aim is the preparation of core sets for patients with motor neuron diseases. Methods: Data sources were found in PubMed: published in the last 50 years; Languages: German and English. After a systematic literature review, two independent reviewers scored the significance of the published studies by 14 criteria including study design, outcome measures, follow-up, data analysis and presentation. Results: 36 significant studies with control group: self-estimated life quality and emotion are the most frequent items which were investigated. In contrast to this frequency, the studies with reference to mobility, emotion and activities of daily life are most significant. The result is a proposal of ICF core set by the use of different specific and general items. Conclusion: In literature, there does not exist any assessment or setting which distinguish the function and disability of the polio patients on the whole. So the developed ICF core set may be a possibility to objectify the motor neuron disease after its multidisciplinary confirmation.