In this paper we present new results on systematic procedures for reconfiguring processor arrays in the presence of faulty processors. In particular, we consider models that use multiple tracks along every channel and a single spare row (or column) of Processing Elements (PES) along each boundary of the array. In the presence of faulty PES, the general methodology for reconfiguration involves replacing every faulty PE logically (rather than physically) by a spare PE through a sequence of logical substitutions; these sequences of substitutions are referred to as compensation paths. The determination of such compensation paths for every faulty PE has to be followed by an algorithm to connect each PE to its logical neighbors. It is easy to see that if the number of available routing tracks is fixed, then the compensation paths cannot be arbitrary. Hence, an important question to address is: how many tracks should one provide so as to allow a large enough class of compensation paths, and yet keep the hardware redundancy low. In this paper we show that if there exists a set of compensation paths subjected only to the constraints of continuity and nonintersection, then routing channels with three tracks are enough for the reconfiguration of the array. This theoretical result matches the empirical observations presented by several researchers showing that 3-track routing channels are sufficient for reconfiguring most instances. We refer to the underlying model as a 3-track-1-spare model; this is done to facilitate distinguish it from other models that not only use multiple tracks but also multiple spare rows (or columns) along each boundary. We present an efficient algorithm for reconfiguration in our 3-track-1-spare model and evaluate its performance. Our experimental results show that it has much higher reconfiguration probability than other models that use considerably more spare processors.