Objectives: The objectives of this research are to analyze the implementation of an effective supervisory model in the financial management of the village so that there is no corruption in the village's finances. And to analyze the evaluation of the effective financial supervision model of that village.
Theoretical Framework: Agency theory is the grand theory in this study related to village financial management. The theory used for supervision is Accountability and Principal Agent Models, supported by the use of corruption detection theory and the government's Internal Control System.
Method: Researchers chose qualitative descriptive research because its practice is not limited to collecting and classifying data; it also includes analyzing and interpreting the meaning of data. The types of data collected are primary data and secondary data. As from the primary in this study are the words and actions of the people being observed.
Results and conclusion: Implementation of effective supervision models in the administration of the villages' finances requires a combination of strategies such as improved government audits, enhanced participation of the grassroots, increased transparency and accountability, improved supervision, the provision of guidance and training, and the use of technology. These strategies can help prevent financial corruption and ensure that village funds are used for the benefit of the public.
Originality/value/novelty: The novelty of this research suggests that supervision does not stand alone, but must go hand in hand with the coaching process. supervision accompanied by proper coaching will create effective village financial management so as to reduce the occurrence of corruption in village financial management.