Split-ring resonators (SRR) are simple electrical circuits that show a significant shift in resonance frequency even with the smallest changes in split capacitance, and thus in permittivity, electric conductivity, and dielectric losses of the split capacitor’s dielectric. Usually, the resonance frequency is derived from the frequency response, but recording the frequency spectrum takes a certain amount of time. Here, we present a new capillary split-ring resonator CaSRR with fast readout for liquid chromatography (LC), which is capable of accurately detecting very fast changes in split capacity. The proposed method is based on the detection of the transmitted signal at a single frequency that is analyzed by demodulation. The demodulated signal changes its amplitude depending on the shift of the resonance frequency. Our simple low-cost electronics enables an average sampling rate of 42 Hz with 128 averages of the demodulated signal and has a frequency stability of 840 mHz. Thus, a minimum change in permittivity of Δεr,min = 11.26 × 10−3 can be detected. Finally, a chromatogram of one sugar (glucose) and one sugar alcohol (xylitol) is recorded using the SRR and is compared to a standard refractive index detector.