Singer MV. Pancreatic secretory response to intestinal stimulants. Scand J Gastroenterol 1987, 22(suppl 139), 1-13In humans and many laboratory animals, protein digestion products such a s peptides and amino acids and fat digestion products such as fatty acids and monoglycerides are potent intestinal stimulants of pancreatic cnzymc secretion. The pancreatic enzyme response to these intestinal stimulants is related to thc pcrfuscd load (amount per unit time) rather than to concentration. Both neural and hormonal pathways mediate the enzyme response t o thesc intestinal stimulants. Enteropancreatic, cholinergic, vago-vagal reflexes are probahly the most important mediators of the enzyme response to low loads of amino acids and fatty acids; hormones, such ;IS cholecystokinin, seem to be the major mediators of the response to high loads of amino acids and fatty acids. Under physiological conditions it is prohahly thc interplay o f neural and hormonal mechanisms which regulates the pancreatic response to these stimulants. Gastric acid is the major regulator of postprandial pancreatic bicarbonate secretion. Secretin released by HCI is probably the most important physiological hormonal mediator of postprandial pancreatic bicarbonate secretion; its effect heing potentiated by extrinsic (vagal) and intrinsic (intrapancreatic) cholincrgic nerves and rclease of other hormones, such as cholecystokinin. , vagal and splanchnic; pancreatic bicarbonate and enzyme response; sccretin Pro6 sirarsklinik, Hufelandstr. 55, 0-4300 Essen I , FRC Dr. Manfred V . Singer, Ahteilung Casrroenrrologie, Medizinische Unioer-Scand J Gastroenterol Downloaded from by University of Sydney on 01/03/15 For personal use only. Scand J Gastroenterol Downloaded from by University of Sydney on 01/03/15 For personal use only. No effect No effect No effect Depressed (low loads) Scand J Gastroenterol Downloaded from by University of Sydney on 01/03/15For personal use only.