Lack of capital and advance technology have caused traditional fisherman to lose the competition, so that they become poor and marginalized. Poverty affects low aspirations for their children's education, and indirectly influenced low children's motivation to learn.The aim of this study was to measure the contribution of self-efficacy and motivational strategies in predicting students' academic achievement. This study applied quantitative approach, by implementing General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE) to measure self-efficacy, and Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) to measure motivation to learn.Academic achievement score was collected from mean of cumulative scores of students' academic report. A non-random sampling technique was applied in sample selection. In total, 103 adolescents (Female 64%; Male 36%; Age 15-19 years; Mean age =16.10) who come from traditional fisheries families and still study in the senior high school in Cilincing District, North Jakarta participated in this study. The study revealed that self-efficacy and motivation to learn was not significantly contribute to students' academic achievement.