The present work investigates the masking effect of carbon contamination patterns deposited by the electron-beam ͑E-beam͒ of a scanning electron microscope ͑SEM͒ for metal electrodeposition reactions. Carbon contamination lines were written at different electron doses on n-type Si͑100͒ surfaces. Subsequently Au was electrochemically deposited from a 1 M KCN ϩ 0.01 M KAu͑CN͒ 2 solution on the E-beam treated surface sites. The carbon masks as well as the Au deposits were characterized by SEM, atomic force microscopy, and scanning Auger electron spectroscopy. We demonstrate that carbon deposits in the order of 1 nm thickness can be sufficient to achieve a negative resist effect, i.e., can block the electrodeposition of Au completely selectively. The lateral resolution of the process is in the sub-100 nm range. The nucleation and growth of Au deposits and their morphology as well as the selectivity and resolution of the process depend on several factors such as the electron dose during masking, and the applied potential and polarization time during Au deposition. The process opens new perspectives for selective electrodeposition, i.e., for high definition patterning of surfaces with a wide range of materials.During past decades, there has been a great deal of interest in micro-and nanometer scale pattern generation on semiconductors. The field is particularly driven by semiconductor technology and its continuous demand for shrinking dimensions in the development of established devices ͓such as metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors ͑MOSFETs 1 ͔͒ as well as for the creation of novel devices ͑such as quantum effect devices 2 ͒. Therefore, a range of techniques bearing the potential to achieve submicrometer resolution have been studied and established. Except for UV lithography, electron beam ͑E-beam͒ lithography is currently one of the most employed approaches to achieve high resolution patterning of conventional poly͑methyl methacrylate͒ ͑PMMA͒ photoresists, on one hand to fabricate photolithographic masks 3 and on the other hand to create ultrasmall linewidths on both Si and SiO 2 . 4-8 Other lithographic techniques are based on the exposure of photoresists to X-rays, 3 focused ion beams, 3,9 or employ scanning probe methods. 10 Direct writing approaches using electron or ion beams are much less reported. A number of studies deal with E-beam or ion beam induced deposition reactions. The principle is that precursor vapor species ͑e.g., metallorganic compounds͒ are introduced into the vacuum chamber of the instrument where, under the direct ion-or electron bombardment, the precursor molecules decompose and form a deposit on the substrate surface. Such E-beam and ion-beam induced deposition has been used to create 3-D nanostructures 11-13 in the 1-100 nm range or to directly generate different single electron transistors or superconducting quantum interference devices ͑SQUIDs͒. 14 A specific and well known case of E-beam induced patterning is the formation of carbon rich contamination layers in scanning elec...