As imple and feasible method to detect and quantify lowconcentrationb iomolecules is very important in the fields of food safety and environmental monitoring [1].R ecent ongoinge ffort has been made worldwide to expend the assay development, particularly toward immunoassay,t o simplifyt he assay process with the aim of manufacturing portable and affordabled evices [2].E lectrochemical immunosensorsh ave attracted considerable attention over the past few years due to their intrinsic advantages, such as good portability,l ow cost, simple instrumentation and high sensitivity [3].U ndoubtedly,e nzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) has emerged as the methodo f choice for this purpose.U nfortunately, conventional electrochemical enzyme immunosensors are often involved in multiple-step reactions,s eparation and washingp rocesses [4].M oreover, enzyme immunoassays are usually susceptible to interference and changes in the assayc onditions during the signal generations tage [4a].A na lternative immunosensing strategy that is basedo na ne lectrochemical principle and does not require the sample separation and the enzymatic participation would be advantageous.Thee mergence of target-induced signal switch (ON$OFF) opens an ew horizon for rapid detection of analytew ithout the need of sample separation [5].T he Qin'sg roup designed ap otentiometric aptasensor based on target-induced conformational switcho fD NA probe for the detection of adenosine-5'-triphosphate using ap olymeric membrane silveri on-selectivee lectrode [6]. Plaxco et al. reported DNA-based bioelectrochemical switches for the quantitative detection of antibodies [7]. Dou etal. developed target-induced reconfiguration of DNAp robes for recycling amplification and signal-on electrochemical detection of hereditary tyrosineminia type Ig ene [8].T ot he best of our knowledge,t here is no report focusing on DNA-based conformational switches for the development of electrochemical immunosensors. To this end, our motivation of this work is to explore an ovel target-induced DNAs ignal switch for the constructiono fe lectrochemical immunosensor.Ty pically,t his type of methodology relies on devising ad etection principle that is modulated and either turned on or turned off as ar esult of binding reaction. Proximity immunoassays, e.g.,p roximity ligation assay( PLA), can Abstract:Anovel electrochemicali mmunosensor was designed for sensitive detection of mycotoxins (aflatoxin B 1 , AFB 1 ,u sed in this case) by couplingp roximity ligation assay-induced conformations witch of hairpin DNAw ith the antigen-antibody reaction.T he assay was carriedo ut by anti-AFB 1 antibody-conjugatedD NA 1 (mAb-DNA 1 ), AFB 1 -BSA-labeled DNA 2 (AFB 1 -DNA 2 )a nd hairpin DNA. Each hairpin includedastem of 6b ase pairsa nd a6n ucleotide( nt) loop with the labelled ferrocene tag at the 3' end, which was immobilizedo nt he electrode via self-assembly of the terminal thiolm oiety at the 5' end. Thep roximity ligation assay was carried out via the specific antigen-antibody reactionb etween ...