Carbon nanofiber-copper composites are fabricated by composite plating techniques using a plating bath containing an effective dispersing agent for carbon nanofibers. Carbon nanofibers disperse uniformly in the copper matrix, as observed by surface and cross-sectional scanning electron microscopy. By changing electrodeposition parameters, composites with microstructures resembling sea urchins are obtained. Carbon nanotubes and nanofibers 1,2 have superior mechanical characteristics, including high tensile strength and elastic modulus, and superior thermal and electric conductivities. Research into practical applications of carbon nanotubes and nanofibers has been actively pursued, with metal composites containing such unique nanosized materials expected to become promising new materials with innovative functions. However, as carbon nanofibers and nanotubes have lower densities than metals, being 1.9-2.1 g cm Ϫ3 for carbon nanofibers and 1.3-1.4 g cm Ϫ3 for carbon nanotubes, uniformly dispersing nanosized carbon fillers in metal is expected to be difficult. In addition, high-temperature processes are required when melting the metals to produce carbon filler-metal composite. These melting temperatures are usually much higher than the oxidation point of carbon nanotubes and carbon nanofibers, making the use of metals with low melting points necessary. Furthermore, suppressing the formation of metal carbide at the interface between the nanosized filler and metal is important, as this may degrade the performance of the resultant composites.For this reason, attempts were made to develop a lowtemperature composite formation method that can even be used at room temperature. The formation of composite materials by electroplating, such as