In this presentation three recent contributions to the theory of continuum (or "Frohlich"-) polarons are reviewed. (i) Using a generalization of the JensenFeynman variational principle within the path-integral formalism for identical particles, the ground-state energy of a confined N -polaron system is studied as a function of N and of the electron-phonon coupling strength.(ii) A theoretical investigation of the optical properties of stacked quantum dots is presented, which is based on the non-adiabatic approach. (iii) Cyclotron-resonance (CR) spectra of a gas of interacting polarons in a GaAs/AIAs quantum well are theoretically investigated taking into account the magnetoplasmon-phonon mixing and the band nonparabolicity. The theory explains that, for a high-density polaron gas, anticrossing of the CR spectra occurs near the GaAs TO-phonon frequency rather than near the GaAs LO-frequency in a good agreement with experimental data.Keywords: polaron, quantum dot, cyclotron resonance, optical absorption, luminescence
Interacting poiarons in a quantum dotThermodynamic and optical properties of interacting polarons have attracted increasing attention because of their possible relevance to physical phenomena in high-Tc superconductors (see, e. g., Ref.[1] and references therein). In this section, a system of N electrons with mutual Coulomb repulsion and interacting with the lattice vibrations is considered. A parabolic confinement potential, characterised by the frequency parameter no, is assumed. The total number of electrons is N = 2:cr Ncr, where Ncr is the number of electrons with spin projection (J = ±1/2. A canonical ensemble is treated, where the numbers of electrons Ncr for each (J are fixed. The bulk phonons (characterized by wave vectors q and frequencies wq ) are described by complex coordinates. The full set of electron coordinates is denoted by x == {Xj,cr }.