b S Supporting Information S table free radicals, such as nitroxides, are known to efficiently quench photoexcited triplet states of organic molecules. 1 Recently, we have shown that this quenching also occurs, although at a slower rate, if the photoexcited ketone is incarcerated inside of an organic container (octa acid) that separates the excited-state ketone and nitroxide by a molecular wall. 2 For this study, we used the cavitand termed "octa acid" (OA, Chart 1), which is known to incarcerate nonpolar molecules by forming a complex in aqueous solutions at basic pH. 3 It was established that relatively nonpolar ketones, such as 4,4 0 -dimethyl benzil (1, Chart 1), form a 2:1 complex with OA, where two OA molecules encapsulate one molecule of 1 (1@OA 2 ). 4 The ketone 1 shows room-temperature phosphorescence with a lifetime of 596 μs when encapsulated inside of OA. 2 The phosphorescence of 1@OA 2 was quenched efficiently by a positively charged nitroxide (Tx, Chart 1) with a rate constant of 1.5 Â 10 9 M À1 s À1 . We rationalized this high rate constant with the involvement of electrostatic attractions of the positively charged quencher (Tx) and the negatively charged external surface of the OA capsule. No quenching of the phosphorescence of 1@OA 2 was observed by the negatively charged nitroxide (TQ, Chart 1) under our experimental conditions, which was rationalized by electrostatic repulsion between incarcerated 1 and TQ. The upper limit for the rate constant of this quenching was estimated to be ∼10 5 M À1 s À1 , which is 4 orders of magnitude lower than the rate constant for quenching by Tx. 2 The quenching of triplet states of ketones by nitroxides often generates spin-polarized nitroxides, which had been observed by time-resolved electron paramagnetic resonance (TR-EPR) spectroscopy. 5À7 In these studies, the triplet quenching and spin polarization occurred during collisions of freely diffusing ketones and nitroxides or with the nitroxide that was covalently linked to the ketone. In this Letter, we investigate whether spin polarization of nitroxides is also observable in quenching processes, where the triplet ketone and the nitroxide are separated by a molecular wall (OA).As ketones, we selected 4,4 0 -dimethyl benzil (1) and the thioxanthone derivative 2 (Chart 1). Both ketones have been shown to form 2:1 complexes with OA. 2,8 Efficient triplet quenching of 1@OA 2 by Tx has been demonstrated by phosphorescence measurements. 2 Because 2@OA 2 did not show measurable phosphoresce at room temperature, laser flash photolysis experiments were performed to establish the quenching efficiency of 2@OA 2 triplet states by Tx. Excitation of 2@OA 2 with laser pulses (355 nm, 5 ns pulse width) generated the transient absorption spectrum shown in Figure 1 (left). This transient absorption with a maximum at 650 nm was assigned to the triplet state of 2 based on previous experiments in acetonitrile solution 8 and similarities with unsubstituted thioxanthone. 9 However, the triplet lifetime of 2 is strongly reduced (91 n...