The rates for the reactions between the dioxoactinide(VI) ions, NpOi + and PuO| + , and the pair of related, outer-sphere reductants, [Tc(DMPE) 3 ] + and [Re(DMPE) 3 ] + , have been measured in basic carbonate media. From the previously determined self-exchange rates for [Tc""(DMPE) 3 ] +/2 + and [Re""-(DMPE) 3 ] +/2 + and the equilibrium constants for the cross reactions with An(VI)/(V), the self-exchange rates for the An(VI)/ (V) couple are calculated using the Marcus cross relations. The /ti! values are 0.69 and 3.0 M _1 s _1 for Np(VI)/(V) and Pu(VI)/ (V), respectively with Tc(DMPE) 3 as a reductant, and 0.64 and 8.9V 1 with Re(DMPE) 3 as a reductant (25°C, μ = 0.30 M). These values are compared to the An(VI)/(V) selfexchange rates previously determined by electrochemical techniques. Activation parameters (AH* and AS*) for these reactions have also been calculated.