The completion of this dissertation was facilitated by the support and guidance of many people. Huge thanks go to Anne Gregory, my committee chair and research advisor. Anne epitomizes the role of advisor. Throughout this process, she was authentic and reassuring, nudged me gently but convincingly, helped me to think as a researcher (and more succinctly), and exuded a passion for the work. Anne infused me with a new appreciation for research. Without Anne, this dissertation would still be a blastula. I owe her tremendously. I would also like to thank Ron Reeve, who prepared me for the monstrous dissertation task through his advice and guidance on my pre-dissertation. More importantly, he's been a steady support for me throughout graduate school and as caring a man as one could hope for in a primary advisor. Additionally, I would like to thank my other committee members. Thank you, Sandi Cohen, for helping me to put myself in the shoes of our teachers and for your encouraging words through the home stretch. And thank you, Tim Konold, for your humor and ready availability in helping me with my statistical analyses. I could not have asked for a warmer and more supportive committee. I would be remiss if I failed to thank my amazing lab-mates, Ann Lhospital and Wei-Bing Chen. In addition to being absolutely wonderful people and amazing co-workers, they brought enthusiasm and thoughtfulness to this project that was invaluable. Gratitude also goes out to Aisha Thompson, Megan Nelson, Jenna Smith, and Krystal Studivant for their help in collecting data and interviewing teachers. I owe thanks to my brother, Brian, and sister, Lisa, for helping me to not belabor this dissertation excessively. In the past year, both have dipped into their music libraries to provide me with a soundtrack for this work. Their musical contribution is secondary to v their wit and support, both of which have kept me upbeat during this process. I would not be here writing this now were it not for my amazing parents. My drive to be around and work with children is rooted in how I myself was raised. I have long been aware of how lucky I am to have had two parents who believed so strongly in their children, and I am reminded of this every day that I work with children who are not as fortunate. I was not an easy baby nor was I an easy teenager, so thank you, Mom and Dad, for putting up with me. If my writing makes sense, my spelling is correct, and my grammar is sound, it is because of them. I also owe a special thanks to my father; I only realized in the last few years how his love for his work so impressed upon me that I too could find a profession that would fulfill me. As in movie credits, I have listed the marquee player in my life last. My wife, Jenny Weinberg, inspired me to enter this field and to work with children with special needs and mental illness. Thanks to her, I get to spend time every day with my peer group (i.e., children) and do work that I feel is meaningful. If I become half as competent a psychologist as she is a teacher, I'll b...