Piezoelectric 1-3 composite materials have become extensively utilized in diagnostic ultrasound transducers owing to their high electromechanical coupling coefficient, low acoustic impedance, and low dielectric loss. In this study, Sm-doped PMN-PT ceramic/epoxy 1-3 composite with a ceramic volume fraction of 60% is fabricated by the dice-and-fill method, resulting in a high piezoelectric constant (650 pC/N) and clamped dielectric constant (2350). Utilizing the exceptionally high clamped dielectric constant, a low-frequency (12.4 MHz) ultrasound transducer is developed with a miniature aperture size (0.84 mm × 0.84 mm), exhibiting a −6 dB bandwidth of 70% and an insertion loss of −20.5 dB. The imaging capability of the miniature composite transducer is validated through both phantom and ex vivo imaging. The satisfactory results indicate that Sm-doped ceramic/epoxy composites possess significant potential for miniature devices in biomedical imaging applications.