ABSTRACT:Microsphere, poly(MAHP-co-MMA), was prepared by the emulsifier free emulsion copolymerization of 2-[2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyldimethylammonio ]ethyl-6-[ 4-( 4-methoxyphenylazo )phenoxy Jhexyloxyphosphate (MAHP) and methyl methacrylate (MMA). The diameter of poly (MAHP-co-MMA) estimated from TEM varied from 234 to 402 nm, depending on the mol-% of MAHP to MMA in feed fromf=O tof=0.5. From XPS measurements of poly (MAHP-co-MMA) the polar head groups of MAHP were found to be located on the surface of particles. The adsorption of bovine serum albumin (BSA) onto poly(methyl methacrylate) [poly(MMA)] and poly(MAHP-co-MMA) microspheres were examined at pH 5.6. The introduction of phosphatidylcholine analog into poly(MMA) results in a drastic decrease in BSA adsorption. A controlled decrease in BSA adsorption was also observed in poly(MAHP-co-MMA) with cis-azobenzene moieties caused by UV irradiation.KEY WORDS Emulsion Polymerization / Microsphere / Phosphatidylcholine Analogous Monomer/ Poly(methyl methacrylate) / Azobenzene Moieties / Albumin Adsorption / XPS / Considerable attention has been paid to the design of biomedical materials towards improved thrombo-resistance. The blood compatibility was studied for the various materials, such as poly(vinyl chloride) including prostaglandin, modified poly(vinyl alcohol), and several polyurethanes. 1 -4 Incorporation of the zwitterionic head group of phosphatidylcholine into polymeric materials is also useful for the biomedical purposes. 5 -7 We and others have been interested in the polymers having phosphatidylcholine analogous moieties as pendant groups on the main chain 8 -18 and phosphatidylcholine moieties as blocks within the main chan. 19 -21 On the other hand, since a polymeric microsphere prepared through emulsion polymerization has great advantages such as extremely large surface area, highly uniform size, and controlled surface charge density, it is used as medical diagnostics, 22 protein separators, 23 carriers drug delivery system, 24 and enzymeimmobilized materials 25 other than industrial use. The effect of the surface characteristics of polymeric microspheres on the protein adsorption has also been studied using various polymer latices as adsorbents for albumin. 26 -29 In this connection our effort was directed toward the polymeric microspheres introducing both polar head group of phosphatidylcholine and azobenzene moieties as one of the basic courses for the development 521