Resealed erythrocytes are a useful means of targeting exogenous proteins or extending their activity. We tested human resealed erythrocytes as a model system for studying protein methyl esterification, a reaction involved in the processing of spontaneously deamidatedhsomerized polypeptides. Our results show that resealed erythrocytes are still active in the metabolic processes that lead to the formation of methyl-esterified proteins. The methylation pattern of endogenous membrane proteins appeared to be similar to that of normal erythrocytes, with bands 2.1, 3, 4.1 and 4.2 as the major methyl acceptors. We detected methyl esterification of ovalbumin, as an exogenous substrate trapped within resealed erythrocytes. Methyl incorporation was almost completely inhibited by siinultaneously loading red cells with adenosine and homocysteine thiolactone, in vivo precursors of the transmethylation inhibitor S-adenosylhomocysteine. We investigated the effects of repeated resealing procedures on methyl acceptability of endogenous membrane proteins. We found that methyl-incorporation levels increased, despite an apparent conserved protein composition of the membrane. This result suggests that osmotic stress to the membrane may be responsible for increased protein methylation due to the appearance of new sites or an increased accessibility of existing sites.Keywords: protein methylation; osmotic stress ; erythrocyte resealing; protein deamidation and repair; erythrocyte membrane.Protein-L-isoaspartate (D-aspartate) 0-methyltransferase (PCMT) is a ubiquitous enzyme, with particularly high specific activity in mature human erythrocytes. It catalyzes the S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet)-dependent methyl esterification of proteins and peptides at the level of L-isoaspartyl (and D-aspartyl) residues [ 1-31, These specific protein fatigue-damaged residues spontaneously result from asparaginyl deamidation or aspartyl racemization during protein aging [I, 41. In vitro studies have shown that PCMT initiates the repair of such damaged proteins [5, 61. This function is expected to be crucial in mature red blood cells (RBC), which are no longer able to replace age-damaged defective protein molecules, since de novo protein synthesis is absent. This proposal is consistent with the notion that the methyl-accepting capability of erythrocyte-membrane proteins increases as red cells age in circulation 171. More recently, it has been shown that methylation levels of RBC-membrane proteins increase in hereditary spherocytosis concomitantly with the degree of cytoskeletal derangement [S].RBC can be reversibly lysed and resealed, entrapping exogenous compounds, including proteins and peptides [ 121. Encapsulation in carrier RBC has been proposed as an effective way of extending the pharmacological activity or reducing the toxicity of drugs [9] or of prolonging enzyme activity in vivo [lo]. In Corresponderzcr to D. Ingrosso, Tstituto di Biochiinica delle Macromolecole, Facolta di Medicina e Chirurgia, Seconda Universiti di Napoli, via Cobtantinopolj,...