1 In the present study, the contractile effects of angiotensin III (AIII) and angiotensin IV (AIV) compared with those of angiotensin II (AII) were determined in rat aortic ring preparations. 2 All three peptides caused concentration-dependent contractions with similar maximal responses. AIII proved approximately 4 times less potent than AII, whereas AIV was about 1000 times less active than AIL.3 The selective AT,-receptor antagonist, losartan (10-300 nM) caused parallel rightward shifts of the concentration-response curves (CRC) for all three peptides. The Schild plot slopes for the effect of losartan on AIII curves were significantly lower than unity (P<0.05). The selective AT2-receptor antagonist, PD123177 did not influence the CRCs for AII and AIV. However, the AIII curves were moderately shifted leftward in the presence of PD123177 (0.1 and 1 JiM).4 Destruction of the endothelium or incubation with the NO-synthesis inhibitor N0-monomethyl-Larginine acetate (L-NMMA) (0.1 mM) significantly enhanced the contractile responses to all three peptides.
5Tachyphylaxis was investigated by constructing a second CRC for all three peptides, after an interval of 1 h. The presence of endothelium significantly enhanced the development of tachyphylaxis to all three peptides. However, in endothelium-denuded preparations, the E,,,,,, value of the second curve elicted by AII was about 50%, compared with the first one, whereas for AIII and AIV E,,,, values were as high as 90% and 100%, respectively. 6 Our results indicate that both AIII and AIV are less potent but similarly efficacious vasoconstrictor agents compared with AII. Their contractile effects are also mediated by AT,-receptors and probably modulated by endothelium. Tachyphylaxis induced by AIII and AIV proved weaker than that for AII. Tachyphylaxis appears to be enhanced by the presence of an intact endothelium.