We study diffusion of self-interstitial atoms (SIAs) in vanadium via molecular dynamics simulations. The 111 -split interstitials are observed to diffuse one-dimensionally at low temperature, but rotate into other 111 directions as the temperature is increased. The SIA diffusion is highly non-Arrhenius. At T < 600 K, this behavior arises from temperature-dependent correlations. At T > 600 K, the Arrhenius expression for thermally activated diffusion breaks down when the migration barriers become small compared to the thermal energy. This leads to Arrhenius diffusion kinetics at low T and diffusivity proportional to temperature at high T . The creation and migration of self-interstitial atoms (SIAs) are critical for microstructural evolution of materials in a variety of situations, such as in the high energy radiation environment of nuclear reactors [1] and in ion implantation [2]. Although SIA formation energies are much larger than typical thermal energies, they form in abundance during collision cascades induced by impinging energetic particles. SIAs in metals are typically very mobile (i.e., their migration barriers are relatively small) and hence play an important role in controlling the rates of many microstructural processes in such applications, in particular the phenomenon of void swelling.Since SIA properties and mobilities are very difficult to determine experimentally, one often employs computer simulations [3,4,5,6]. For example, simulations of body centered cubic (bcc) iron (and several other bcc metals), have shown that SIAs preferentially lie along 110 orientations but rotate into 111 -directions, where they can migrate easily using the crowdion configuration as transition state. Other simulations have suggested that SIA migration in vanadium is very similar to that in Fe [7,8,9,10]. However, these empirical interatomic potential-based simulations are not consistent with recent first principles calculations that clearly show that the lowest energy SIA configuration in V is a 111 -split interstitial, rather than the 110 -split configuration found in Fe [11]. Interestingly, the first principles calculations also revealed that the 111 -oriented SIA migration energy is extraordinarily small (≤ 0.01eV), which explains the experimental observation of diffusion down to 4 K [12]. SIA migration in Fe and V must therefore differ in their microscopic mechanisms.We perform a series of molecular dynamics (MD) sim- † current address: Department of Physics, Ewha Womans University, Seoul 120-750, Korea.ulation of SIA migration in V using an improved interatomic potential for V [13] (refit to experimental and first principles data [11] to reproduce the stable interstitial configuration) to address this discrepancy. In particular, we examine SIA diffusion as a function of temperature to determine the SIA migration mechanisms. We find that while SIA migration in V is similar to that in bcc Fe in many respects, its temperature dependence is highly unusual, exhibiting strongly non-Arrhenius behavior and correlation ef...