We report the violation of the Pauli limit due to intrinsic spin-orbit coupling in SrTiO3 heterostructures. Via selective doping down to a few nanometers, a two-dimensional superconductor is formed, geometrically suppressing orbital pair-breaking. The spin-orbit scattering is exposed by the robust in-plane superconducting upper critical field, exceeding the Pauli limit by a factor of 4. Transport scattering times several orders of magnitude higher than for conventional thin film superconductors enables a new regime to be entered, where spin-orbit coupling effects arise nonperturbatively.Unconventional superconductivity is a subject of great theoretical and experimental interest [1][2][3]. A central issue in this field is the discovery and understanding of non-trivial pairing mechanisms, such as the spin-triplet Cooper pair, which has been explicitly investigated in heavy fermions [1], Sr 2 RuO 4 [4], and crystals with broken inversion symmetry [5]. Recently, novel pairing has also been predicted in two-dimensional systems breaking inversion symmetry [6, 7]. Experimentally, measurements of the superconducting upper critical field H c2 give vital information. In particular, violations of the Pauli paramagnetic limit [8,9] can be used to unravel the nature of the electron spins in the superconducting state. Notably, the presence of spin-orbit coupling (SOC) can be quantified [10], as demonstrated by the H c2 studies of metal thin-film superconductors [11] and bilayer systems where interface SOC drastically enhances H c2 [12].Electron-doped SrTiO 3 (STO) has attracted much attention as the lowest-density superconductor [13] with high-mobility [14]. These characteristics enable the creation of novel low dimensional systems [15], and are vital to shed light on the rich physics present at the LaAlO 3 /SrTiO 3 (LAO/STO) interface, where the presence of the Rashba spin-orbit interaction has been discussed, affecting both the normal and superconducting state transport properties [16,17]. However, despite the fact that the conduction band structure of STO is similar to p-type GaAs [18,19], the latter a model system for spintronics, the role of possible intrinsic SOC in the transport properties of doped STO is still unclear.In this Letter, we study the violation of the superconducting Pauli limit due to intrinsic SOC in a systematic series of symmetric, doped STO heterostructures. Using the δ-doping technique, we selectively add Nb dopants in a narrow region inside an otherwise continuous undoped STO host crystal. As the thickness of the dopant layer is reduced, the destruction of superconductivity by orbital pair-breaking is geometrically suppressed, and the superconducting H c2 is enhanced for magnetic fields applied parallel to the dopant plane. In the thin regime, when the dopant layer is just a few nanometers thick, the superconductivity is robust beyond the conventional Pauli limit, demonstrating the presence of spin-orbit scattering (SOS) in the STO. Moreover, due to the absence of a surface or interface close to the...