Single and double E-E-electron transfer and the K-shell-vacancy production cross sections for Ti bombarded by Si and S beams at energies varying between 1.2S and 4.7 MeV/amu have been determined, in the limit of zero target thickness, from the thickness variation of the Ti X x-ray yield with ion beams having 0, 1, or 2 vacancies in their K shell. From the measured energy shift and the intensity ratios of Ect, KP lines, the average number of 2p and 3p vacancies were determined from which the average value of the fluorescence yield co+ was deduced using the statistical scaling procedure of Larkins [J. Phys. B 4, L29 (1971)]. The single-electron transfer cross sections are compared with the calculations of Brinkman and Kramer as formulated by Nikolaev [Sov. Phys. JETP 24, 847 (1967)] and those of McDaniel [Phys. Rev. A 22, 1896 (1980)] and the modified two-center atomic-orbital-expansion model (AO+) of Fritsch and Lin [J. Phys. B 15, 1255Phys. B 15, (1982]. The double-electron transfer cross sections are also compared with the AO+ predictions. The K-shell-vacancy production data are compared with calculations based on the perturbed-stationary-state approach with the Coulomb-deflection, bindingenergy, and relativistic corrections (ECPSSR) included. In addition, the projectile cross sections for single-electron capture and loss have also been deduced at a few energies.PACS number(s): 34.50.Fa, 34.70.+e