7Regulation and maintenance of protein synthesis are vital to all organisms and are thus key 8 targets of attack and defense at the cellular level. Here, we mathematically analyze protein synthesis 9 for its sensitivity to the inhibition of elongation factor EF-Tu and/or ribosomes in dependence of 10 the system's tRNA and codon compositions. We find that protein synthesis reacts ultrasensitively 11 to a decrease in the elongation factor's concentration for systems with an imbalance between codon 12 usages and tRNA concentrations. For well-balanced tRNA/codon compositions, protein synthesis 13 is impeded more effectively by the inhibition of ribosomes instead of EF-Tu. Our predictions are 14 supported by re-evaluated experimental data as well as by independent computer simulations. Not 15 only does the described ultrasensitivity render EF-Tu a distinguished target of protein synthesis 16 inhibiting antibiotics. It may also enable persister cell formation mediated by toxin-antitoxin systems.
17The strong impact of the tRNA/codon composition provides a basis for tissue-specificities of disorders 18 caused by mutations of human mitochondrial EF-Tu as well as for the potential use of EF-Tu targeting 19 drugs for tissue-specific treatments.
20Author Summary
21We predict and analyze the response of differently composed protein synthesis systems to the inhibition 22 of elongation factor EF-Tu and/or ribosomes. The study reveals a strong interdependency of a protein 23 synthesis system's composition and its susceptibility to inhibition. This interdependency defines a generic 24 mechanism that provides a common basis for a variety of seemingly unrelated phenomena including, for 25 example, persister cell formation and tissue-specificity of certain mitochondrial diseases. The described 26 mechanism applies to simple artificial translation systems as well as to complex protein synthesis in vivo.