Developments in our world necessitate raising qualified individuals well-equipped for the information age. This brings new approaches and models to the agenda in the education process. There are various teaching models developed for effective teaching of knowledge and skills to students. The most common of these is the direct instruction model. Developed on the basis of numerous studies, this model prioritizes effective learning and in-depth understanding. In practice, three-stage approaches are recommended. These include modeling, guided practice, and individual practice. In the modeling phase, the teacher presents various information and explains the processes and processes in his\her mind in detail. In the guided practice phase, he\she engages students in practices. In the last stage, students are directed towards independent study. Thus, the aim is that students learn abstract concepts, skills and strategies effectively. For the good implementation of the model, application tables are prepared and different activities are recommended. Studies show that this model is highly successful in teaching reading, writing, understanding, thinking, inference, problem-solving, science and mathematics. This model ought to be understood well and applied correctly in our country. In this way, this model can help contribute to the improvement of students' language, mental and social skills.